USelect - Sperm Separation

USelect improves IUI outcomes and higher pregnancy rates by using innovative magnetic bead in combination with hyaluronic acid. Please click here or Technology Section if you want to know more about the technology. Current IUI methods have lower success rates because of the sperm selection process that favors only motile sperms. USelect improves success rates in IUI as it selects millions of sperms for DNA integrity and acrosomal status in addition to motile sperms. Our product provides over 35% chance of increase in pregnancy rates compared to other methods practiced.

USelect - Features

The Sperm Selection Technique

Selects millions of mature sperm
Reduces ROS
Reduces DFI (DNA Fragmentation Index)
Easy to perform
Rapid sample collection to IUI – less than an hour
Improves pregnancy rates

Improved pregnancy rates by minimising DNA Fragmentation Index

Since the success rates in IUI are typically low as sperm are selected for motility alone. Uselect uses proprietary magnetic beads technology to separate sperm based on their functional viability. Uselect separates sperm in large volume, making it very suitable for IUI. Hyaluronic acid (HA) binding ability is a marker for DNA maturity and acrosomal status of the sperm. There is 44% increased pregnancies compared to Swim-up (SU) during IUI study performed at Manipal Fertility


Over 100+ samples performed at multiple sites

Over 10 live births using this product. Mean DFI was significantly lower with USelect when compared to unprocessed, poor samples. Sperm isolated using SU and DG had 1.6 and 3 times less HA binding efficiency (a key indicator of sperm maturity)

Work Flow & Test Principal

A simple 4 step process.

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